Trucking and sales
now in one service
Our services will help you realize your business goals!
Who can use Logistam
Carrier company
Manage logistics and product offerings
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Search for delivery orders
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Find fuel/agricultural proposals or other goods by specifying your location
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Share proposals of goods in the regions of Ukraine
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Logistam allow you
Transport companies
Logistam - Management of deliveries and logistics in a transport company
Looking for cargo that meets your needs? You will find them here, because Logistam unites all participants of the B2B market.

On the portal you can:
Plan flights with several departure points
Tracking the location of transport.
Provision of vehicles for rent
Car or driver employment calendar
Control of receivables and payables
Take part in tenders for the transportation of goods
Logistam - helps sellers place their product offers in different shipping locations.
  • Place your products with prices on all your shipping points - buyers will find you with the help of convenient filters
  • Rent cars from carriers at agreed rates and buyers will see the prices of your goods with delivery to them
  • Create flights for delivery of your goods to customers, and track their fulfillment
  • Control the debt for the shipped goods
Logistam helps the buyer
Want to spend less time searching for and tracking your purchased product? Logistam helps with this.
  • Search for products with the best offers, taking into account the cost of delivery to you.
  • Tracking the location of the vehicle that delivers your order
  • Participate in procurement tenders, place your lots for the procurement of goods with delivery to your region, bargain and get the best offers from suppliers
Financial institutions, banks
Can act as mediators between all market participants
Want to spend less time controlling accounts receivable or payable.
Logistam, together with financial institutions, helps to buy faster with the help of factoring
  • Factoring is a useful tool for businesses seeking to ensure stable cash flow, reduce credit risk and focus on core business processes by outsourcing accounts receivable management.
Why Logistam?
Client feedbacks Logistam
Алекс Горенко
CEO “Gasoline-Group”

Завдяки сервісу «Транс Логістик» наші продажі палива зросли на 30%. Ми стали витрачати менше часу на стомлюючі процеси з пошуком заправок.

Дмитро Кожуба
Головний менеджер “Agriculture Trans”

Завдяки сервісу «Транс Логістик» наші продажі палива зросли на 30%. Ми стали витрачати менше часу на стомлюючі процеси з пошуком заправок.

Павло Юсов
CEO “NDA Logistic”

Завдяки сервісу «Транс Логістик» наші продажі палива зросли на 30%. Ми стали витрачати менше часу на стомлюючі процеси з пошуком заправок.

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